Technology & product management
Mechanical engineering in an era of digital transformation
Technology & product management
Mechanical engineering in an era of digital transformationInnovative technical developments are constantly opening up new opportunities for mechanical engineering. Scheuch COMPONENTS subscribes firmly to the view that technology is a driving force and stepping stone that can help industrial activities reach new heights. Through its dedicated electronics and software department, Scheuch promotes digital transformation directly within its own four walls. This means that it does more than pay lip service to the concept of digitalization – it embraces and practises it as a philosophy. Its products are increasingly becoming networked with one another, interlinking processes in areas ranging from configuration and design to production. This produces benefits that impact more than just internal processes and workflows: instead, Scheuch COMPONENTS applies a further-reaching approach that uses data gleaned from past solutions to tailor products precisely to customers’ requirements.
The company’s research teams are provided with numerous field test options at an in-house test site. Quite simply, Scheuch COMPONENTS test stands and other test facilities are unparalleled. Alongside the company’s own fan and screw test stand, for example, its developers also have access to a test facility that is resistant to temperatures up to 600 °C plus a facility for wear tests. Through its ongoing development of its products and product range, Scheuch COMPONENTS is guaranteed to continue writing its success story over the long term.
“To remain a leader in technology, we always have to stay one step ahead of the game. We are driven by new technologies and the benefits they bring to our products and solutions.”